Case study: Nigerian Emergency S.C.A.M

// 7 July 2018


How it all started!

How it all started!

Damn man… What a sad story you just read! You don’t know how this Nigerian family got your email, nor why a wealthy family from NIGERIA would need your help, but wow they have been through some stuff… they really want your help…

That’s your money they really want.

We all got this email at some point. No surprise here, as scamming seems to be Africa’s number one natural resource nowadays. Exit gold or diamond, and welcome advanced-fee scam! It has become so popular that it even got a little nickname: scam 419 (referring to art.419 of the Nigerian criminal code, which is about fraud).

5-parts in-depth analysis

[su_service title=”The context” icon=”icon: caret-square-o-right” size=”34″][/su_service]Civil wars, political coups, violence, death… you’ve seen it on TV, Africa doesn’t seem to be the funnest place on earth. So, of course you’re not a heartless robot (yes, we checked) and when an Africa family reach out, you feel them!

[su_service title=”The sender” icon=”icon: caret-square-o-right” size=”34″][/su_service]It’s always a government official, a businessman, or someone from a really, really, really rich family, aka someone seemingly l-e-g-it. Often it’s also a woman; women are more trustworthy.

[su_service title=”The problem” icon=”icon: caret-square-o-right” size=”34″][/su_service]So you got it, your new pen pal is very very very rich. And guess what, he also just inherited a whole lot more money! It’s just too bad because, given the current political instability in his country, the money is frozen, he can’t get it.

[su_service title=”Your mission (should you accept it)” icon=”icon: caret-square-o-right” size=”34″][/su_service]Help a friend out! Help him move his money out of the country, by transferring into your bank account. That’s what good friends do for each other right? And isn’t it a bit exciting too?

[su_service title=”The reward” icon=”icon: caret-square-o-right” size=”34″][/su_service]To thank you for your help, your new friend will generously let you keep a sum of the released money in your bank account. Isn’t it even more exciting??

