Apply to Act

You or a friend, a member of your family, a colleague, or an acquaintance, has been hacked, bullied, scammed, watched ?
You have an anecdote to share with the Cyberforpeople community?
You want to add your voice to the conversation and contribute to raise the level of awareness and Highdentity of all?
Tell us about it by completing the application and ACT !  We’ll get back to you if we’re interested.

On Cyberforpeople, you can find one of the most largest online conversation about Cybersecurity. It’s a free, first-person platform for sharing anecdots, stories, experiences, ideas, opinions, reflections, learning,  with readers from around the globe.

The Blog welcomes new voices with something interesting to say. You can write an article, send a picture or a video.

To know before to send us a video

  • we need 1 minute maximum, not more.
  • The video has to be in landscape mode.
  • You have to upload it on Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo or any platform of your choice and to write us the link to read and it.

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